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KulePing Daily Updates...

Feb-23-2020, 06:16:39 pm
Would you like a chance to-get into a great deal?
Would you like a chance to-get into a great deal?

Coming soon

A new wheel of Fortune that you can

* completely customize and make it your own.
* Offer your own products on it
* Collect very large commissions from it

It is part of the KuleTraffic amazing prize
wheels and it is...

Coming to a theater near you soon.

Make sure you are a member of KuleTraffic
KT members will get first crack.

Go get um

Jane Mark

Special-Offer...Go Platinum.

As you sign up to KuleTraffic watch for the
special platinum club offer.

Your platinum membership comes with
huge lifetime traffic plus...

A solo ad mailer to over 11,000 members.
Earn up to 238.80 per sale plus...

You get the existing Wheel-of-Fortune F-ree
with your platinum membership and that sells
for 297.00 so you are already ahead of the
game when you go Platinum at KuleTraffic.

You can put your own affiliate ids in the existing

If you are a platinum club member of Kule
traffic at the time of launch of the new
wheel you will get a special deal on the fully
branded wheel.

It will pay you to upgrade to Platimum before
the new wheel of fortunes hits the scene.

Never miss a chance to buy-into a great deal

KuleTraffic: It's fun, fast, and very profitable.

MyMoneyMailer take it for a ride and then take it to the bank
[fname] What one word brings a smile to every marketer's lips?
[fname] Our new-mailer puts-success right in the palm of your hands.
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