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KulePing Daily Updates...

Jan-10-2020, 02:35:15 pm
Do not spin your wheels-Come spin our Wheel-of-Fortune
Do not spin your wheels-Come spin our Wheel-of-Fortune

Hi KulePing Members

Coming January 13th...

A new site where you can spin the
wheel-of-fortune and win.

It is called...
hmm I am sworn to secrecy by my partner, Phil Basten

but if you would like to get in early
and kick the tires

If you would like to become a founder
at a huge savings.


Email me at...

put in the subject line.

I would love to spin the Wheel=of-Fortune

and I will give you our big discount linkĀ 
plus all the details and you can get in
early and give it a whirl.

Go get um

Jane Mark
In Prelaunch

I have A Good Nose for a Great Site and...
MyMoneyMailer take it for a ride and then take it to the bank
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