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Jun-04-2023, 04:05:11 pm
You gotta know when to hold them and this one's a keeper.
You gotta know when to hold them and this one's a keeper.

Hi KulePing Members

My partner, Phil Basten, put me on to a list building site

At first I was skeptical but then this happened

Phil got a list of 5000 members at no-cost.

In 7 days he had enough in commissions to cover
his one time upgrade cost of 97.00 bucks.

Why did he upgrade?

Because in 7 days he had grown his 5000 list to 6800 members
and the instant he upgraded all those names and emails of
of those 6800 people belonged to him now.


He could export the whole list to our auto responder or he
could continue to mail his own offers right from the
members area of the smartprofits site.

In less than 15 days he ea-rned 334.80 from the
new site so he was in profit by 233.80 and he
got another 5000 list members to email.

And we made sales of our own products from the
list we imported of over $1000.00 in just 2 days.

There is a lesson to be learned here:

A lot of people fold up their cards just when
they are about to succeed.

I love Kenny Rodgers so I am fond of saying
You gotta know when to hold them.

Both Phil and I have tested this site
It is a keeper.

Pick up your 5000-member-list at no-cost
and you will soon see what I mean.

Go get um

Jane Mark

Need More information?

Contact us at the help desk at the bottom of our
new site that we call SmartWebProfits.

The name really says it all.
This is one of the smartest steps you can take
grow your business and grow it fast.

MyMoneyMailer take it for a ride and then take it to the bank
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