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KulePing Daily Updates...

Jun-29-2024, 03:27:00 pm
We built a-new-list of 30,634 Email-it every-2-days

We built a-new-list of 30,634 Email-it every-2-days

Hi KulePing Members

Would you like to make more-money?
We have the solution.
MyMoneyMailer can help you pocket the dough.

It's the unique mailer that's taking the web by storm.

Here are the hi-lights

My partner, Phil Basten and I, spent the last 12
months building new private mailing lists and-now
we are giving them to you.

It's called MyMoneyMailer
We call it MMM for short.

You can hop on board-now

There are 3 mailing-lists.
Each is unique

We built them over the past 12 months just for this new-mailer.

* Email over 9000 every 5 days (Pro Members)
* Email-Over 12000 every 3 days (Expert Members)
* Email-over 30000 every 2 days (Founders)

There is also a downline mailer-mail daily.

...These come with your upgrade at no-cost

3 all new submitters-They come with your upgrade at no-cost at MMM

* CoolSubmit: Reach millions every 2 days with 1-click
* Cashlinks-Submitter-We set up to 100 backlinks for you.
* There is also an easy to use state of the art rotator

You must be a pa-id member to access the
submitters and to use the mailer.

You can ea-rn up to $173.95 per sale plus...
a-$100.00 kicker for every 5 sales you make in one week.

You can join -f-ree and pick up 1 million no-cost ad-credits
and assign them to text and banner ad displays (Value 5000.00)

But if you want to use the power of this new site...

Grab one of the pa-id memberships and start your engines.
There is a membership level to suit every-budget.

Go get um

Jane Mark

Special offers...

Be sure to grab your upgrade as you sign up.
You will pay more for it in the members area.

Read more-here:

Stop the Frustration – All-in-One Marketing That Works!
[fname] Meet the site that converts at a whopping 76%
[fname] You cannot be a player if you are not in the-game
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