KulePing Daily Updates...
Dec-08-2024, 03:35:45 pm
The secret-you may not know..open-it and-prosper (save 300 bucks)
The secret-you may not know..open-it and-prosper (save 300 bucks)
Hi KulePing Members
Do you know this story?
A guy has a leak in his boiler.
He calls in a boiler repair man
The repair man comes and takes a look.
"Hum" he says.
He takes out a screwdriver...
Goes to the side of the boiler and tightens-screw.
How much? The customer asks when he is done.
$10,000 the repair man replies.
The customer goes crazy.
What do you mean ten thousand dollars?
That's crazy. All you did was tighten a screw.
Yes, you're right. Tightening the screw is worth $5.00 dollars
The other $9,995.00 dollars is for knowing which screw to turn.
Here's the point...
If you want to make money online...
You need email lists
We have email lists.
We have been building them for 22 years online.
If you build your own email lists, it can costs you
thousands and thousands of dollars to design,
program, house and maintain that script.
Most people do not have the expertise to do this but we do...
Here is one of our largest and one of our best.
Send your solo ads to over 102,000 every 2 days
No credits to ea-rn
* It's a 2 in one mailer
* It's an AutoMailer-set it and forget it.
* Your solo ad runs every 2 days for 6 days
* Rinse and Repeat.
or you can use the manual mailer if you prefer
* It is a Manual mailer-Mail Every 2 days
* You can use either mailer to mail to the list.
* No matter which mailer you choose, you reach
over 102,000 members every 2 days.
* No Credits to ear-n to use the mailer
* The Mailer grows daily.
* You get huge traffic to your text and banner ads
* You get 2 million ad-credits per month to keep them running
* Ea-rn up to 243.95 per-sale
This mailer packs a wallop.
It will get you the-results you need.
sign up under my link today and I will put 1 million
no-cost-ad-credits into your account.
102,235 members have all said yes.
Would you like to reach them every 2 days for life?
Grab your big-Discount-Below
Go get um
Jane Mark
Special offer...Save 300 bucks. Don't turn into a pumpkin
Use the discount link below to upgrade your account.
Watch for the one time offer for platinum as you sign up.
You will pay 300.00 more for it in the members area.
Pay one time or use our flexipay system
Note: Only Platinum (founder) members have access to
the 102K member mailer.
If you are already a member of WAM, use this special
discount-link and save 300 bucks.
This is 72 hours special so grab your discount
while the grabbing is good.
This is a manual upgrade. You will get a detailed welcome
letter from me when your account has been upgraded.
If you are not yet a member of WalkAwayMailer,
sign-up here and collect 1-million no-cost ad-vew-credits
Why not let the experts in list building do it for you?
It won't cost you 10 grand but it sure can make you that
over and over again.