KulePing Daily Updates...
Nov-16-2020, 07:06:19 pm
Would you like to Walk-Away-Richer? Send solo-ads to 95,000 for life
Would you like to Walk-Away-Richer? Send solo-ads to 95,000 for life
Hi KulePing Members
We are so delighted to announce our new site.
It is called WalkAwayMailer
We call it WAM for short.
It packs a wallop.
It is a one of a kind mailer
It's a unique AutoMailer
Email over 95,000 for life
No Credits to ea-rn
It's a manual mailer
No Credits to ea-rn
You can use both the manual and auto mailer
Your choice.
Ea-up to 243.95 per sale plus...
Ea-rn from dozens of top notch tested sites
in our unique Ca-sh funnel.
You can pick up 1 million no-cost-ad-credits just by
signing up now. (Value $5000.00)
Go get um
Jane Mark
Special offer:
Watch for the special offer for Platinum as you sign up
You will save 200 bucks if you grab Platinum on the way in
Platinum level is the only level that can mail to over
95,000 for life.
If you are already a WalkAwayMaler member, use this
special discount link to upgrade your account to platinum